Monday, December 22, 2014

\ˈləv \

Well, tonight I was thinking out some random things. I was thinking that the more i grow up, the more I think there's no time to mess up with love. I'm pretty sure you're all who reading this have ever been in love, or perhaps is in love. Everyone has their own idea about love, so do i. And tonight i'm gonna pouring down my idea about this thing.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Facts About Me

About  a month ago, instagram was boomed by hashtag #20FactsAboutMe. People who got tagged must post their photo and filled their caption with their 20 facts. I was tagged by 4 people but I didn't post anything though :p because i was lazy following what's trend, it's too mainstream.

I have nothing to do tonight and kinda mood to write facts about myself. Then here we go!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Vice Versa

Was thinking lately and these words keep voicing in my head 
"Why the person we didn't expect always here for us? And vice versa"

Saturday, June 28, 2014

My Loves

Hello readers! I've promised you to post about my cats in my first post. Okay then I'll tell you some of my cats (not all because there are so many) that I've ever taken care of . So the first time I adopted cat was about in 2001. From Spinel, Carberus, Pussi, Goty, Luffy, Luna, Nami, Chibi, Catzy, Sleepy, Merci, Brownies, Lexy, Chiki, and now who's left just Jimmy and Freezy at home :( lainnya meninggal, dikasih orang, dan ilang. I wish I had a chance to meet them all hiks. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Holiday Last Year #Japan

Setelah menghabiskan 3 malam yg awesome, wonderful, unforgettable, memorable, beautiful, pretty, sexy di Korea, akhirnya datang waktunya untuk flight ke Jepang! Yaaay! Emang sih dari awal yg aku tunggu-tunggu itu ke Jepang karena di kepalaku Jepang pasti cool abiezz hm can't wait can't wait

Holiday Last Year #Korea

Ga tau kenapa tiba-tiba pengen ngepost tentang liburan taun lalu, tepatnya Mei 2013. Jadi Ayah ada kayak urusan kantor gitu di Korea sama Jepang. Terus akhirnya sekeluarga ikut kecuali Mama, karena...........Mama nungguin hasil UNku (oke aku durhaka memang). Disitu aku bener-bener udah pasrah sama apapun nilai UNku dan hasil SNMPTNku, karena aku juga ga ngambil les buat SBMPTN (emang bener-bener cacat deh semacam kepedean banget aku ini kayak udah pasti keterima SNMPTN aja). Terus ya udah deh akhirnya berangkat sama Ayah dan keempat anaknya yg cantik-ganteng ini. First kita naik pesawat dulu ke Jakarta habis itu baru berangkat ke Korea.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Manusia itu menurut kalian aneh ga sih? Aneh dalam banyak hal. Salah satunya labil. Iya manusia itu menurutku labil banget. Mereka menginginkan sesuatu, tapi kalo keinginannya udah terpenuhi, malah pengen balik lagi ke jaman dulu. Semacam plinplan. Contohnya aja ya, baanyak kan tuh manusia yg pengen balik jadi anak kecil. Katanya sih enak gitu ga mikirin banyak hal, seneng2 mulu ga ada beban, ga galau pacar, ga stress sama kerjaan, ga peduli penampilan, ga peduli berat badan, ga ngemasalahin wajahnya mau gosong kena matahari kek jerawatan kek, ga urusin rambutnya mau kribo apa gimana.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


April, 18th 2014

I think it will be the one of the days I can't forget. That time, I made a decision, not a simple decision; letting go the person, the person that maybe has taught me about this life. Honestly, I didn't know the reason, the real reason why I took that decision. That time, I felt sooooo damn regret letting him go. Thought I was a fool, dumb, stupid, nuts, and so on.

Ain't it Fun?

Just keep listening to Ain't it Fun by Paramore lately, I think the lyrics had a good meaning. For me, it's like how it feels to be alone and facing the real world, and the worse is we have to bear that all alone cause we have nobody. Wdyt?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Rejecting UN? Yay or Nay?

Akhir-akhir ini banyak banget yang ngomongin soal UN SMA tahun ini. Mulai dari soalnya yg ga manusiawi sampe banyak murid yang pingsan dan depresi gara2 ga bisa ngerjain. Hmm.. Aku bukan pengikut UN tahun ini sih, lebih tepatnya aku pengikut UN tahun 2013. Tapi setelah lihat berita, keluhan saudara, dan orang-orang yg ngejalanin UN tahun ini, apalagi sampe masuk HT Kaskus wow banget deh bikin aku pengen ngeluarin uneg-uneg yg aku rasain.